Government Agencies

- The legislated land use planning framework in Saskatchewan
- The subdivision approving authority for 760+ municipalities in Saskatchewan
- The review and approval of municipal planning bylaws
- Works to build capacity and independence in the municipal sector
- Works alongside landowners, developers, and municipalities to promote safe and sustainable development

Water Security Agency
Regional Offices
The Water Security Agency is a unique organization in Canada - bringing together the majority of government's core water management responsibilities in one place.
Manage the province's water supply
Protect water quality
Ensure safe drinking water and treatment of wastewater
Own and manage 69 dams and related water supply channels
Reduce flood and drought damage
Protect aquatic habitat and provide information about water
Represents Saskatchewan on transboundary water issues

Aquatic Habitat Protection Permits &
Shoreline Alteration
Saskatoon: Phone: (306) 933-7442
The Water Security Agency is a unique organization in Canada - bringing together the majority of government's core water management responsibilities in one place.
Permitting of alteration to the bed, bank, boundary of any watercourse or waterbody (eg. Docks, boat lifts, retaining walls, landscaping, any other alteration near water)
Permitting for any discharge with potential adverse effects on water.

Protection, conservation, and management of plants, animals, and other environmental resources.
Hazardous materials and waste management
Environmental Assessment
Mineral resource development and dispositions
Wildfire and Forest Management
Hunting, Trapping, and Angling
Disposition of Crown Resource Lands